TRL Spot Loans
They are TL based cash loans for that of which maturity and interest rate are determined at the withdrawal date and principal and interest are collected at maturity. The tenor and interest rate for these loans are determined according to the market conditions.
TRL Rotating Loans
They are the loans for that of which interest rate fluctuates in line with market conditions, and interest collection is realized (periodically) quarterly. This type of loans can be repaid earlier than the maturity and provide cash availability to firms.
TRL Discount - Purchase Loans
They are the loans that are disbursed against immature promissory notes with an advance collection of the interest and costs.
Foreign Currency Indexed Loans
These loans without export commitments are extended as Turkish Liras and the principal utilization, repayment and interest thereof are set as foreign currency indexed.
Equal Installment Loans
They are the loans for that of which interest rate and maturity are determined at the withdrawal date, and principal, interest and other for that of which costs are repaid in monthly equal instalments. Payment scheme is specified at the disbursement and equal payments provide cash management advantage.